Text Styles
Text styles
Text styles : text styles indicate the specific type of appearance for a section of HTML document. Following text are commonly used to change the way your text appears:
Sr. No. | Tag | Purpose |
1 | <b>text</b> | Bold text. |
2 | <i> text<i> | Italic text. |
3 | <u>text</u> | Underline text. |
4 | <strike>text</strike> Or <s>text</s> | Strike through the text. |
5 | <sup>text</sup> | Superscript the text (like x2). |
6 | <sub>text</sub> | Subscript the text (like h2o). |
Steps to implement text styles on web page are:
Step1 : Open notepad or any other HTML editor and type the following code in it:
Now you all are familiar with the text styling and the next topic we will learn text formatting like using best font font styles font tags etc. Click on the next button below:
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