Heading tags

Heading tags

Heading tag (<Hn></Hn> : This tag is used to define heading levels in the HTML document. The heading tags apply pre-defined heading style to text. There are six heading levels H1 to H6. H1 heading style display the text in the largest size and mainly used for main headings and lower levels progressively for subheadings.
Syntax is:
Here value of n is between 1 to 6.

Steps to create headings on web page:
Step 1: Open notepad or any other HTML editor and type the following code in it.

Step 2: Save the file as heading.html.
Step 3: now open the file in Google chrome or any other browser. It looked like as shown below:

In this web page we use:
<h1></h1> for major headings,
<h2></h2> for simple headings,
<h3></h3> for subheadings,
<h4></h4> for minor headings,
<h5></h5> for paragraphs,
<h6></h6> for normal.

Now you are familiar with how to use heading tags. In the next topic we will learn text structuring. Click on the next button:
