Introduction to Text Structuring(continued-a)

 Text Structuring (Continued)

1. Text alignmen : like a chapter of book, the text in HTML document is structured into paragraphs. Each section of a chapter has several paragraphs.
         Most of the text we align left. However, some text we line towards the right or centre.
  Paragraph tag (<p></p>) : this tag is used to define a paragraph in a document. The paragraph beginning with <P> and end paragraph is closed with </P>.
           The paragraph can be aligned to the left,right, centre or justified using the align attribute. We can use align attribute with paragraph tag as:

Paragraph tag with
 align attribute


<P align=right>Text</P>align the text to the right side of the document.
<P align=centre>Text</P>align the text in the centre of the document.
<P align=left>Text</P>align the text to the left side of the document.
<P align=justify>Text</P>align the text from both the left and right margins.

Syeps to implement text alignment in HTML:

Step 1: open notepad for any other HTML editor and write the following code in it:

Step 2: Save the file as align.html.

Step 3: Now open the file in Google Chrome or any other web browser. It will look like as shown below:

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So that is about how to implement text alignment in HTML Web Page. Now click on the page3 to continue text structuring.
