Text Formatting

Text Formatting

Text Formatting : All tags discussed in Text style  are also used for text formatting.
     Let us consider <basefont> and <font> tags.

1. <Basefont> tag: A common font size, font family, font color called for the entire text of a page can be set with base font tag.
Syntax is:

<basefont size=n>text.

Here n is a number from 1 to 7. The default value for n is 3.
  Ending tag </basefont> is optional. You may use +n or -n to denote a value relative to the basefont value. For example,

<basefont size=+1>text

tells the browser to display the text 20% (or 1 size) bigger than the earlier basefont size.

Basefont tag is not supported in HTML5, on the place of it we can use font tag. Click on the page 2 to learn how to use font tag.
